Companies:Ambient Corporation
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Press Release Source: Ambient Corporation On Monday May 16, 2011, 8:00 am EDT
BOSTON, May 16, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Ambient Corporation (OTCBB:ABTG.ob - News), a pioneer in the development of smart grid communications infrastructure, is proud to announce it is the recipient of the top smart grid product award at this year's Utilities Telecom Council's (UTC) Telecom 2011 conference held in Long Beach, CA. The UTC named Ambient's X-3100 communications node and the AmbientNMS®, key components of the Ambient Smart Grid® communications platform, as best products in the Smart Grid / Smart Meter Product / Service category.
The Ambient Smart Grid communications platform provides utilities with a standards-based, two-way communication infrastructure from which to launch current and future smart grid applications. Ambient provides a universal architecture that empowers utilities to choose the right applications for different segments of their customer base, while the AmbientNMS acts as an intelligent information dashboard for network monitoring. Using the platform, utilities instantly gain a level of visibility into their network operations previously unavailable, including enhanced basic applications such as outage tracking and energy loss detection, and deploy more advanced applications such as smart metering, distribution automation and demand response.
"Winning this award is a strong endorsement of our successful approach to building out smart grid platforms. Just as the UTC did, utilities are recognizing that smart grid applications cannot happen without an infrastructure that is designed to integrate different kinds of services -- in addition to smart metering," stated John J. Joyce, President and CEO of Ambient. "We have been building such a platform for over a decade and this recognition substantiates our commitment to that end."
The Ambient Smart Grid communications platform is currently supporting more than 38,000 nodes operating in select geographies, providing benefits to more than 250,000 endpoints in real world, operational grid environments.
About The Utilities Telecom Council
The Utilities Telecom Council (UTC) is a global trade association dedicated to creating a favorable business, regulatory, and technological environment for companies that own, manage, or provide critical telecommunications systems in support of their core businesses. Founded in 1948, UTC now represents international electric, gas, and water utilities; natural gas pipelines; other critical infrastructure entities and other industry stakeholders. For more information, visit
The UTC Product Awards, an annual competition held at UTC EXPO, highlight the very best in critical infrastructure industry technology. Open to all exhibitors, each entrant selects a product and submits it for entry in one of four categories: Best Wireless Equipment, Best Telecom Equipment, Best Telecom Services, and Best Smart Meter/Smart Grid Products/Service. A panel of utility telecom and IT professionals reviews all entrants by visiting the booths and learning more about the product and service beyond the description submitted. The judges then choose winners in each category based on innovation, functionality, economical feasibility, and practicality as applied to the utility industry.
About Ambient Corporation
Ambient designs, develops and markets Ambient Smart Grid® communications technologies and equipment. Using open standards-based technologies along with in-depth industry experience, Ambient provides utilities with solutions for creating smart grid communication platforms and technologies. Headquartered in Newton, MA, Ambient is a publicly traded company (OTCBB:ABTG.ob - News). More information on Ambient is available at
China ... plans to invest $600 billion in developing its national smart grid over the next decade" The EPRI report estimated the cost of upgrading the U.S. grid could range from $338 to $476 billion, up from $165 billion in a 2004 forecast. Benefit estimates have also skyrocketed to a range of $1.2 to $2 trillion, up from $660 billion estimated in 2004. A new report from Pike Research forecasts that 276 million smart grid communications nodes will be shipped worldwide from 2010 to 2016, with annual shipments increasing dramatically from 15 million in 2009 to 55 million by 2016... this will represent a total industry investment of $20.3 billion during the seven-year forecast period, with annual revenues increasing from $1.8 billion in 2009 to $3.1 billion by 2016..."
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